* Applying Stripes *

1. Mix Butyl Cellusolve solvent with water. USE ONE PART SOLVENT TO TEN PARTS WATER.

2. Trim excess paper from stripe. Follow the general shape of the striping and leave about a quarter inch boarder.

3. Peel printed tissue paper from stiff paper backing.

4. To aid In the placement of stripe. Place stripe face down on white background and trace outline of stripe on the back of its tissue paper.

*Be sure shellac on bed plate is dry before applying solvent. *

5. Using small acid brush, brush a thin, even layer of the diluted solvent on the area of the bed plate to be striped.

6. Place tissue paper with stripe face down onto that area of bed plate just covered in step 5, as near to its exact position as possible. Minor adjustments can be made and the stripe position adjusted for about 30 seconds.

7. Allow approximately 15 - 30 minutes for tissue paper to dry thoroughly.

8. Remove tissue paper by brushing a minimum layer of clear water over it. Allow water to soak in and tissue paper will slide off, leaving the stripe on the bed plate.

9. After all striping, etc. has been applied, coat entire bed plate with orange stain shellac from CAN #2. Allow to dry 15 - 20 minutes then apply 2 or 3 coats from CAN #3.

10. Allow bed plate to dry hard (overnight). Inspect for evenness to determine amount of polishing or sanding necessary, if any. If the bed plate appears very uneven, then block-sand with stiff felt and 400 to 600 grit sand paper.

You may work over striping, now covered by shellac. Just 1 or 2 strokes in one direction should be sufficient. Then polish with soft cloth using fine pumice or extra-fine rottenstone, to a fine luster. Wipe-on wax may now be applied.


*To increase work-adjustment time, add more water to solvent/water flax.

*Use hair dryer on low setting to gently dry water off striping, immediately after tissue paper is removed.

*You can apply many non-adjacent patterns at the same time

*You can remove the tissue paper too soon and the gold will smudge.

*You can allow the tissue paper to dry indefinitely without harm to the stripe or bedplate.

*Once the stripe is dry it will not move easily with the diluted solvent.

*In order to remove a new stripe with the diluted solvent, you must rub vigorously.

*The orange shellac over the completed, striped bed plate is important for two reasons. One, it protects the finish. Two, it gives the new striping that deep, original-looking gold tone. This was the treatment originally given to the bed plate by The Edison Co., and when copied, will give your work the same look.

*By using the tinting coat described in step #10, you have greater flexibility in determining the final look. You can add more powdered orange stain to the shellac, or apply more layers from CAN #3, or apply several layers of unstained orange shellac. Always finish off with unstained orange shellac as the top coats.


If not using flake shellac and mixing instructions from APSCO., shellac can be found in some hardware stores pre-cut to a three lb. mix. substitute the three lb. mix cut about one to one with denatured alcohol for "CAN #3".